After reading about other OS X user's Django install problems, I'm  
attempting to write up the simplest, clearest possible, completely  
unambiguous, instructions for other OS X users here:
but obviously I need to get it right first, and...

...I've hit problems with Macports, detailed below. But I can't find  
anywhere how to install Django from within Python (like Perl's CPAN),  
and Macports is actually suggested on the Django site.

The steps I took:

Install Python 2.5 from the OS X binary at:

End up with the following - good so far:
python -V:Python 2.5.1
which python:/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/ 

The OS X package appears to have replaced Apple's Python 2.3 with  
2.5.1 successfully.

Use Macports to install Django 0.96:
sudo port install py25-django-devel

Add the Macports path to my .bash_login (and remove .profile):
export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH

End up with the following: gives: (the expected screen of stuff)
 >>> import django gives: ImportError: No module named django.

The problem:

While installing Django, the Macports dependency thing also installs  
Python 2.5 under /opt/local/lib/python2.5/

I know OS X needs Python elswhere (and I now appear to have 2  
Pythons) but the running one doesn't have Django in its 'site- 
packages' dir.

Looks like I might have to forget Macports and install Django  
manually under the OS X Python (or copy it across), but will this  
risk being mangled by OS X updates? And is there an easy Python  
'install django' command?

About Macports:

Macports is a good idea (easy installs and updates, preserves Apple  
stuff, keeps new stuff separate from getting mashed by Apple updates)  
but the Python it installs isn't in the place OS X expects it to be,  
so can't be used easily. The Django site itself suggests Macports,  
but fails to say that the install won't be where the OS X Python  
expects it to be.

Dave Everitt

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

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