In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 Dave Everitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After reading about other OS X user's Django install problems, I'm  
> attempting to write up the simplest, clearest possible, completely  
> unambiguous, instructions for other OS X users here:
> but obviously I need to get it right first, and...
> ...I've hit problems with Macports, detailed below. But I can't find  
> anywhere how to install Django from within Python (like Perl's CPAN),  
> and Macports is actually suggested on the Django site.
> -----------------
> The steps I took:
> 1.
> Install Python 2.5 from the OS X binary at:
> End up with the following - good so far:
> python -V:Python 2.5.1
> which python:/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/ 
> bin/python
> The OS X package appears to have replaced Apple's Python 2.3 with  
> 2.5.1 successfully.

Just to be clear, installing 2.5.1 this way does not replace Apple's 
2.3, it adds another version, albeit in a different location.
> 2.
> Use Macports to install Django 0.96:
> sudo port install py25-django-devel
> Add the Macports path to my .bash_login (and remove .profile):
> export PATH=/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH
> End up with the following:
> gives: (the expected screen of stuff)
> but
>  >>> import django gives: ImportError: No module named django.
> ------------
> The problem:
> While installing Django, the Macports dependency thing also installs  
> Python 2.5 under /opt/local/lib/python2.5/
> I know OS X needs Python elswhere (and I now appear to have 2  
> Pythons) but the running one doesn't have Django in its 'site- 
> packages' dir.
> Looks like I might have to forget Macports and install Django  
> manually under the OS X Python (or copy it across), but will this  
> risk being mangled by OS X updates? And is there an easy Python  
> 'install django' command?

Actually you now have at least 3 versions of Python installed:

1. the Apple 2.3 version at /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework
2. the "official" 2.5.1 version at 
3. the MacPorts 2.5.1 version built by the port command at 

All 3 can happily co-exist with each other, btw.  In all depends on 
which version of the python interpreter you start.  For example:


Of course, you need only one of the two 2.5.1's, not both.  (Do not try 
de-installing the Apple 2.3 one.  That is the only one that might be 
touched by OS X updates.)  I'm feeling a bit lazy to try it all again 
from scratch but I'd suggest forgetting about MacPorts for this.  For 
most users, it should be much simpler to stick to the "official" 2.5.1 
version, then getting setuptools installed, and then using easy_install 
to install Django and additional site packages needed.  I believe you 
*should* be able to download and install Django directly with 
easy_install with a properly configured setuptools started from the 
correct python.

Good luck and thanks for helping to document this better.

 Ned Deily,

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

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