On 3/3/10 5:33 AM, Ned Deily wrote:

The main problem before was 64-bit Tk availability.  IIRC, the only real
game in town for that was the Apple-supplied 8.5 in 10.6 which
apparently pulled in from the TkAqua Cocoa/64-bit port project (which
now may be a part of 8.6?).   Kevin Walzer was trying to get that the
TkAqua 64-bit stuff to work with Python on 10.5 a while back but he ran
into various problems.   Perhaps he can jump in here with an update.
I've seen reports that the X11 version of Tk may work in 64-bit (I think
the MacPorts version does) but I have no (recent) personal experience
with X11 Tk on OS X and, frankly, I'm not looking to get any more.  X11
Tk would probably require some build tweaking.

In general, Tk 8.5 64-bit (based on Cocoa) works fine with Python 64-bit, at least on Leopard. I'm not on Snow Leopard yet. Here are the major issues I've encountered:

- Tk Aqua 8.6 (still in beta) is now based on Cocoa and should build as 64-bit with no problem. A Cocoa backport to 8.5 is here: http://github.com/das/tcltk/tree/de-carbon-8-5.

- Building everything as a four-way universal binary is a bit tricky. See http://bugs.python.org/issue4165 and http://bugs.python.org/issue6441. These bug reports were helpful to me when I was building my current development stack (Python 2.6.2 and Tk 8.5.7 Cocoa). I see that some of these issues may have been resolved.

- IDLE doesn't work out of the box with the 64-bit Cocoa-based version of Tk that ships with Snow Leopard. I've filed some patches at http://bugs.python.org/issue6075 to address the Cocoa-integration/UI issues, but there are still apparently some issues pertaining to stuff locking up (see some of the other bug links in this thread; I haven't seen them but they have caused others some serious problems). There are some other, unrelated bugs on Leopard with Cocoa-Tk IDLE (menus get wonky when they are destroyed and recreated), which won't be fixed because it's at the Appkit level (requires a fix by Apple). As a result, despite my work on integrating IDLE with Tk-Cocoa, I'm not currently using IDLE for my Python work.

- A lot of development occurred on Tk-Cocoa after it was included in Snow Leopard, so there may be issues with the system-included libraries that are no longer present in the latest revs of the library.

- This isn't directly related to 64-bit Tkinter and Python, but if you're doing GUI development, many developers have reported serious issues with using py2app in a 64-bit context. You can search the list archives for details, but in short, many people can't get their 64-bit Python GUI apps to build with py2app. I've seen reports on issues with PyQt and PyObjC, and I've also had similar issues with my Tkinter apps. One workaround is to use bundlebuilder, which has its own problems but can be coaxed into building 64-bit apps (search the list archives for my notes about that). I don't believe this affects wxPython at present because wxPython/wxWidgets isn't yet supported in 64-bit mode.

Hope that helps,
Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin
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