Ronald Oussoren wrote:

To be honest, I'm far from impressed by the quality of the wxWidgets
port to the Mac. I've run into numerous issues in the past where API
calls worked just fine on Windows but failed to work on OSX. That
isn't very helpfull when you want to do the groundwork of a Windows
app using wxWidgets on OSX and do as little as possible on an actual
windows machine.

Being a wx fan, I thought I'd comment. Ronald is absolutely correct -- there are platform differences -- there is no substitute for testing early and often on all the platforms you want to support. I've found that while it's fairly common for s given piece of code to work on one platform, but not another, I can usually find a way to write it that works everywhere -- and that's usually the documented "proper" way. i.e. you can get away with different errors on the different platforms.

However, while not perfect, what are the alternatives?

If you only want to support the Mac, then by all means use PyObjC -- that will give you a fully native application, but it is not an option if you want to support other platforms.

pyQT, pyGTK, and tkInter are the other options -- each has its fans, but none of them produce native looking and feeling apps on OS-X. wx wraps the native libs (Carbon for now, but the next version is Cocoa), so it's possible to have truly native Mac apps with wx, that are also native on Windows and *nix (of you call GTK native). Note that I say possible, because there are lot of details about how you design the apps t make them look and feel "right" on the Mac -- if you neglect those, it won't be quite right.

I suppose if you tweak a QT app enough, it might look native, but wx does a much better job out of the box.

The other option, of course, is to write multiple GUIs -- my experience is that it takes a LOT of code to write a GUI -- so that's a lot of work!


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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