On 31 May, 2010, at 23:25, Johan Gyllenspetz wrote:

> Hi,
> What is the status on py2app -> snow leopard -> x86_64 and ports.

What ports?

> Do I
> really need to build all port packages with the flag +universal, it
> seems like it seems the application when inspected returns.
> file dist/dog.app/Contents/MacOS/dog
> dist/dog.app/Contents/MacOS/dog: Mach-O universal binary with 2 architectures
> dist/dog.app/Contents/MacOS/dog (for architecture i386):      Mach-O 
> executable i386
> dist/dog.app/Contents/MacOS/dog (for architecture ppc):       Mach-O 
> executable ppc
> Is there a way to tell py2app to build the app for x86_64 instead thus
> solving the issue with having to build all port packages with the
> universal flag (which can be quite tricky).

Rebuilding the stub executable in the py2app package should be enough to enable 
building 64-bit binaries.  Adding proper support for this is on my list, but I 
don't know when I'll get around to it. 


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