On 8 Jul, 2010, at 22:03, Vincent Davis wrote:

> Ok so my question is not only about python 2.7, and I don't
> necessarily want to uninstall I just want to download the svn and
> update. I do have numpy, scipy... and a few other things installed and
> I will update them at the same time. I am writing a shell script to do
> this so I was thinking that I could just completely remove py27 and
> rebuild everything but is this necessary (the completely removing part
> not the incremental updating :-)

Do you really mean to say you want to update from a 2.7 installation to a 2.7 
installation from the svn repo? In that case you don't have to removing the 
existing installation (or even upgrade site-packages), unless you change the 
architectures (switch to/from a universal build, or to a different kind of 
universal build)

If you upgrade from 2.6 to 2.7 you don't have to remove the 2.6 install, 2.6 
and 2.7 can be used side-by-side (both for unix and framework installs). 

> I guess there is just a list of files to remove but I couldn't find a list.

That depends on the type of install. For a framework install (python in 
/Library/Framework/Python.framework) you need to remove 
"/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7" and "/Applications/Python 
2.7". Depending on how you installed and with what options there may also be 
symlinks in /usr/local/bin.

Note that there are two binary installers for 2.7 on the website: one 
containing 32-bit binaries that work on OSX 10.3.9 or later and one containing 
ppc, i386 and x86_64 and works on OSX 10.5 and later.  The latter has two 
features that might cause surprises:  Tkinter doesn't work in 64-bit mode 
because the system version of Tk 8.4 doesn't support that and furthermore the 
readline extension is linked to libedit instead of the real readline. The 
latter means that the configuration for key-bindings uses a different syntax 
(see <http://bugs.python.org/issue9033> for an example of why this is 

> Thanks
> Vincent
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