On 2010-08-12, at 5:54 PM, Ned Deily wrote:

> In article <84cb970d-35a3-45ea-9b5c-5a1da09dd...@activestate.com>,
> Sridhar Ratnakumar <sridh...@activestate.com> wrote:
>> When Python 2.6 is built with --universal-archs=intel, the default Python 
>> binary is symlinked to the 32-bit binary:
>>  lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  admin     12 10 Aug 15:31 python -> python2.6-32
>> Python 2.7, however, is 64-bit by default. Is there a particular reason why 
>> this behaviour is different for 2.6 (and 3.1)?
> For 2.7 and (upcoming) 3.2, code was added to allow dynamic selection of 
> arch of a universal Python build, like so:
>   arch -i386 /usr/local/bin/python2.7
>   arch -x86_64 /usr/local/bin/python2.7
> Without the use of arch, OS X defaults to an appropriate default, on 
> 10.6 preferring x86_64 if available.
> On earlier versions like 2.6 and 3.1, the "arch" trick does not work 
> because an execv(2) was used in the "wrapper" program 
> (Mac/Tools/pythonw.c) to run the real interpreter and that causes the 
> interpreter to run in the OS's preferred arch.  The new releases 
> modified pythonw.c to use posix_spawnv(2) to ensure the interpreter is 
> started using the same CPU arch as the wrapper program is running in.  
> (The Apple-supplied /usr/bin/python in 10.6 takes a somewhat different 
> approach to the problem.)
> n the earlier versions (2.6/3.1 and earlier), the solution for universal 
> variants with 32-/64-bit archs was to install separate 32-bit-only and 
> 64-bit-only interpreter executable files and install separate wrapper 
> programs for each (python2.6-32 and python2.6-64) with the default names 
> (python2.6/python) always symlinked to the 32-bit version.
> It would be possible to backport the 2.7/3.2 solution to 2.6 but, as it 
> affects both pythonw.c and various parts of the configure and make 
> files, it's not likely to be done, certainly not for the imminent 2.6.6 
> release.

Thanks for the explanation. 

However, I see all three variants (32, 64, and 2-way) in the default 2.6.6c1 
install (i.e., internal ActivePython build, though this is likely the case for 
the python.org's 10.5 installer as well):

-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  admin  12644 10 Aug 15:30 
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  admin  12680 10 Aug 15:30 
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  admin  24968 10 Aug 15:30 

But bin/python2.6 itself links to python2.6-32. What about changing that to 
python2.6-all - thus leaving the choice of arch to OS loader instead of the 
Python's build system?

Effectively, this change would likely come down to this patch:

sridh...@whymac:~/code/o/py/release26-maint/Mac > dif
Index: Makefile.in
--- Makefile.in (revision 83986)
+++ Makefile.in (working copy)
@@ -83,10 +83,10 @@
        ln -sf python$(VERSION)-all "$(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin/python-all"
        ln -sf pythonw$(VERSION)-all "$(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin/pythonw-all"
-       ln -sf pythonw$(VERSION)-32     
-       ln -sf python$(VERSION)-32      
-       ln -sf pythonw$(VERSION)-32     "$(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin/pythonw"
-       ln -sf python$(VERSION)-32      "$(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin/python"
+       ln -sf pythonw$(VERSION)-all    
+       ln -sf python$(VERSION)-all     
+       ln -sf pythonw$(VERSION)-all    "$(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin/pythonw"
+       ln -sf python$(VERSION)-all     "$(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin/python"
 # Install unix tools in /usr/local/bin. These are just aliases for the 

Is this something that can become part of 2.6.6 final?


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