On 12 Aug, 2010, at 22:03, Sridhar Ratnakumar wrote:

> When Python 2.6 is built with --universal-archs=intel, the default Python 
> binary is symlinked to the 32-bit binary:
>  lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  admin     12 10 Aug 15:31 python -> python2.6-32
> Python 2.7, however, is 64-bit by default. Is there a particular reason why 
> this behaviour is different for 2.6 (and 3.1)?

Not really. I was way more conservative when 2.6 was released, and switched to 
the current behaviour in 2.7 because that made the makefiles easier and 
libraries have had a long time to transition to 64-bit compatibility.

You can always select the architecture to use using the 'arch' command (which 
works with 2.7 but not with 2.6 or Apple's python)

> -srid
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