On 15 Oct, 2010,at 04:11 PM, Daniel O'Donovan <dan.odono...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> I understood that py2app can only produce mac .apps when run on macosx and
>> not linux.
>> Is this correct?
>> /bjorn
> That's correct.

But Freeze may be of interest to you : http://wiki.python.org/moin/Freeze or even PyInstaller http://www.pyinstaller.org (though I don't use either)...

And if you're on Windows then py2exe is the bees knees.

AFAIK neither will create MacOSX application bundles when you're not on an OSX machine.

It is in theory possible to tweak py2app to do this, all of py2app is python code and py2app doesn't use the C compiler. But: you'd need to have a Python framework and all dependent C libraries on your linux box. Futhermore you'll need an OSX machine anyway to test if the output of py2app actually works.

BTW. While it is possible to tweak py2app to do its work on a Linux box I'm not interested in doing the work.



Daniel O'Donovan

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