On 2/16/11 8:46 AM, Aahz wrote:
On Wed, Feb 16, 2011, Prashant Saxena wrote:
After installing py2app using "python setup.py install", I created an .app of
default wxpython's example name "superdoodle".
The resulting superdoodle.app is around 48.5 MB.
wxpython by itself probably accounts for about 10MB. You should be able
to compress that down to around 15MB if you're distributing an installer
Actually, wxPython is really big, and with the universal build, it's
twice as big.
On my system (Python 2.6 Universal):
minimal python app : 9.1MB
minimal wxPython app: 43MB
But the wxPython one does compress down to 17MB
wxPython is so big because it has all of the wx C++ libs, plus all the
wrapper code to access it. It is unfortunately pretty monolithic, so
it's very hard to bring in just what you need. But disk space is cheap
these days.
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