On 5/4/11 2:41 AM, Adam Morris wrote:
I was wondering what sort of options are out there for a poor soul who
deploys Python extensively in his workflows, and uses appscript and
calls to display dialog and the like to interact with the user, but
would really, really like it if there could just be something out
there, as easy as display dialog, that would give me more options for
dialog boxes.

I want something as "easy as python" to use in my program, and that
doesn't make me use Interface Builder. I don't know why, but I prefer
to handle and maintain everything with straight code.

Do you have any need for something platform independent? wxPython give a lot of options, and is particularly nice, I think, if you want to describe your dialogs in code. (or maybe it's just NOT nice if you want to use a GUI builder...)

It can be a bit verbose to create and use a dialog, but if you have some common ones you use, a few utility functions are easy to whip up. It's usually used for full-on event driven GUIs, but I've enclosed a sample of using dialogs in a procedural, or script-like program.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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Attachment: ProceduralTest.py
Description: application/python

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