Hi all,
It turns out that my last problem, with the ctypes.windll methods, was
nothing; the library developer said they were no longer needed and
could be removed.
My app is now running on Lion, but with two major problems:
1. The app is based on a series of dialogs, and these do not seem to
be titled correctly. At least, they are simply called "Python" when
you switch to them.
2. Any key commands result in a minute or two of the dialog being
"busy", rendering the whole thing all but unusable.

One thing I have to mention: I am running VoiceOver with no monitor
plugged in to my new (as of August) Mac Mini. I am not sure if turning
VO off lets the app run normally (no busy messages) as I do not have a
screen or a mouse for a sighted person to use; my only interaction
with the machine has to be through VO since the DVI to VGA adapter I
am using does not mate with the DVI to HJMI adapter to let the Mac
display on the only monitor I could find.
Anyway, thanks for any suggestions, and I understand if this is
another thing I should ask the WX list about. I figured, though, that
there may be mac-specific caveats, especially where VO is concerned,
with how MacOS sees Python apps running from source.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
mehg...@gmail.com; http://www.facebook.com/mehgcap
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