On 18 Oct, 2011, at 1:56, David Cortesi wrote:

> Thank you, that sounds good. I have downloaded it, and now have the
> folder py2app, but the relationship between that and setup.py is not
> clear to me. I was blindly following the instructions in the py2app
> doc, e.g. "sudo easy_install -U py2app" etc, but I can't find where
> that actually stashed py2app -- or how setup.py locates it for the
> command "setup.py py2app..." -- in order to replace it with this later
> one. Sorry to be such a noob.

py2app implements the extension mechanism of setuptools, if you use that (by 
importing setuptools or distribute in your setup.py file) the setuptools 
package knows how to find the py2app command in your site-packages directory. 
Otherwise you need to have 'import py2app' in your setup.py file and python 
looks on its search path for the py2app module.

"sudo easy_install …." installs py2app in the site-packages folder of the 
Python  installation that's associated with the easy_install tool.  You can use 
"sudo type easy_install" to determine which copy of easy_install got used, if 
that refers to '/usr/bin/easy_install' you have installed py2app in the System 
installation of Python 

> On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 3:21 PM, Sean Robinson
> <sean.robin...@sccmail.maricopa.edu> wrote:
>>> I am using what should be the latest py2app (0.6.3), installed today.
>>  Try the 0.6.4 pre-release version from
>> https://bitbucket.org/ronaldoussoren/py2app  In that version, argv_emulation
>> has worked for me (and others on this list) in 64-bit.  I have recently
>> (today) used argv_emulation with --argv-inject to quickly and easily create
>> multiple app bundle versions from a single base.
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