On 10/23/11 10:52 PM, Ronald Oussoren wrote:
The "proper" solution is to teach py2app how to copy eggs with their
metadata and resources into the
application bundle.

That would be nice, but I don't know that it's really the "best" solution.

Eggs exist and py2app should support them, otherwise people have to resort to 
ugly workarounds like copying files manually.  Adding an option for copying a 
set of eggs into the application bundle would be fairly easy.

I wasn't clear -- I agree that copying the egg into the bundle is the best solution for py2app itself.

I was arguing that it would be better to not use setuptools features in that way at all -- but if they're used, it's nice for py2app to support them.

AS for resources, personally I like to use python files for data -- and then 
"import" to get it - this makes for nice, clean integeration with py2app, etc.

I use python files for resources on Windows to get single-file executables with 
py2exe, but prefer to use real data files on OSX for easier maintenance.

I guess what I think causes difficulties is data files required by a third-party package, rather than the one my app uses -- I don't have any issue with data files for my app -- it's the ones in third party packages that you then need to install properly with py2app or py2exe -- that's a pain.


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