On 11/10/11 5:39 AM, Ronald Oussoren wrote:

What kind of problem did you run into? Are those something that can be easily 
reproduced by signing a trivial application?

It wouldn't display a save dialog. Under the hood Tkinter/Tk's save dialog calls into NSSavePanel. In a sandboxed app, the call to NSSavePanel is supposed to be intercepted by the Powerbox (sandbox save dialog), but no dialog would display.

You'll have to rebuild the stubs, and as you already noticed you can do this by 
patching the setup.py in py2app/apptemplate.

BTW. The reason py2app doesn't link with Cocoa is to avoid Cocoa's triggering 
backward compatibility modes. That is, when you link to Cocoa.framework with 
the 10.4 SDK a number of classes will behave slightly different than they do 
when linking to the 10.6 SDK. The precisedetails elude me at the moment though.

It might be useful to add separate stubs for codesigning (possibly with 
additional flags in py2app to trigger codesigning from your setup.py file), or 
even replace the current stubs by ones that link to the Cocoa frameworks.

Rebuilding the stubs was easy enough to do, and sufficient for my needs, but if you decide to add this capability to py2app, I'm sure other folks would find it useful.


Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin
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