On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 8:32 PM, Ned Deily <n...@acm.org> wrote:

>> These are what they seem to be -- though I think you got tripped up by
>> "for Mac OS X 10.3 through 10.6"  -- actually, that should be "10.3 +
>> " -- 10.7 didn't exist when that was built.
> Actually, "10.3 through 10.6" is intentional.  If you need to build
> extension modules, the current 3.2.3 and 2.7.3 32-bit python.org Pythons
> do not work well with Xcode 4, the default for OS X 10.7 and 10.8 and
> optional for 10.6.

Indeed -- I had to go find and install XCode3.* -- Apple really wants
you to keep moving forward! But once I got XCode 3 going -- it works

Good to know that the INtel 32/64 bit python works with newer Xcodes though.

But if you're not building anything it will run fine on newer OS-X
systems, and if you want to be able to deploy on older systems, I
think you need to use it, yes?

>  The upcoming Python 3.3 release has much better
> support for Xcode 4

Maybe I'll get there some day -- but it'll be 2.7 for a while yet.

> BTW, for Python 3.3, the 32-bit-only installer Python supports 10.5+
> systems (i386 and ppc).   More details on all of this forthcoming.

cool -- thanks for keeping this all up!



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