On 10/8/12 5:34 PM, Ned Deily wrote:
As far as I can tell, the problem is not fixed in the source tree.  The
problem is trivial to reproduce with Python and IDLE.  Try it with your
own build of Tk 8.5 installed in /Library/Frameworks and with any of the
current python.org 64-bit/32-bit installers
(http://www.python.org/download/) or with the ActiveState Python
installers.  Launch the appropriate IDLE.app and select Preferences from
the IDLE menu.

I've done some further testing of this, and have run into something very odd.

Just to be sure, I did a fresh checkout of Tk's core-8-5-branch and rebuilt it, and then rebuilt my installation of Python to link to it. (My recent Python apps have been linking to the Tk in /System/Library/Frameworks because of the Mac App Store, but as I'm moving away from the App Store that's no longer necessary.)

After rebuilding and re-linking everything, I can indeed confirm the crash in IDLE. Running Command-, causes the app to crash instead of bringing up the preferences menu. However, I can't reproduce the crash in Tk itself. Running Wish, I define the standard tk::mac::ShowPrefrences procedure to print "foo" to standard output, and it works as expected. This is why I said I didn't see the error and wondered what version of Tk you were testing.

What happens if something crashes in Tkinter but not in Tk directly? Is this considered a bug in Python/Tkinter? Because IDLE's preferences method is calling into tk::mac::ShowPreferences, then it shouldn't crash unless Wish is also crashing. I don't know what to say if something crashes in Python/Tkinter but not in Tk.


Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin
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