> On May 29, 2020, at 5:44 AM, Don Bowers <donald.bow...@zen.co.uk> wrote:
> iMac (2009)  OS X El Capitan v  10.11.6
> Sirs, A few days ago I downloaded and installed the latest release of python 
> 3.8.3.
> All seemed normal at first until I tried to Cut & Paste parts of a script I 
> was working on in the IDLE
> environment. The following are screen shots that are generally self 
> explanatory;
>         <Screen Shot 2020-05-27 at 17.58.53.png>
> As can be seen, the cut and copy are greyed out and inoperative and I don’t 
> remember the "set" and "clear" Breakpoints, at the bottom.  It is as if 
> nothing had been selected.

I verified the Idle copy/cut context menu problem exists in macOS El Capitan 
and macOS Catalina 10.15.4.  It occurs in both the Shell and files.

> Such a situation makes the editor practically unusable so I quit out of the 
> IDLE and Python.

Idle’s menu bar Edit -> Copy and Edit -> Cut options still work just fine.  So 
Idle is still very usable.

The keyboard shortcuts also still work:
        <command>c == copy
        <command>x == cut

So, there are multiple ways to copy/cut in Idle, even though there appears to 
be a problem on the context menu.

> To see if it had also effected the normal Finder environment I opened a text 
> editor file and got the following:

Are you referring to TextEdit or some other editor?

>       <Screen Shot 2020-05-27 at 18.28.13.png>
> Indicating the OS was also effected and  I don’t have BBEdit ( top line of 
> bottom panel) installed and it, needs sorting but (top panel) I did follow up 
> on pip and found it to be superseded by vision 20 and have since upgraded 
> 'pip', which I first had trouble getting PY3.8 to recognise. That has been 
> sorted but the problem remained so, in the end I trashed python 3.8 and 
> reinstalled py3.7 and the main fault disappeared. viz;
>      <Screen Shot 2020-05-29 at 09.33.54.png>

No, Idle is not causing any problems in TextEdit, or any other editor.  You may 
not have BBEdit installed at the moment, but you (or someone else) installed it 
sometime in the past.  You are seeing detritus from that earlier deleted 
installation.   Idle knows absolutely nothing about BBEdit or any other editor 
for that matter.

I also upgraded pip (both El Capitan and Catalina), but had no problems with it.

I didn’t reinstall the earlier version of Python, because the only problem with 
Idle is the context menu.

> The top panel has change but I don’t understand it

I don’t know what you mean by “top panel”.  Do you mean the macOS menu bar that 
is displayed when you are using Idle or TextEdit?  

> . I assume it wants me to look up Pc\Desk……

No, it doesn’t “want” you to look up anything.  When you highlight something in 
TextEdit and use the context menu with it, one of the options is to look up 
that selection in a dictionary.  It’s there to make life easier for you — a lot 
of folks like looking up word meanings.  It’s totally up to you as to whether 
you want to do that look up or not.  In this case you selected the text 
“System-Pc\Desktop\scene3…”, which is why that showed up in the context menu.  
If you selected some other text, then it would show up in the context menu 
instead of your earlier selection.
> Since then I have tried reinstalling py3.8 twice but the same problems come 
> back. The problem comes and goes with the installation of python3.8.

The only problem I saw was a minor issue with Idle’s copy/cut context menu 

> Does anyone have any idea what the problem might be ?
> If it might effect :- I did have a little trouble with the OS native Python 
> 2.7 wanting to own the new pip installation but that was overcome. If it’s of 
> any help this is current Py3.7 terminal list;
>       <Screen Shot 2020-05-29 at 11.27.20.png>

On macOS the system uses Python 2.7.  Therefore, if you install Python 3.x, 
there will be two Python versions installed on your system.  To make it easier 
to use both versions: 
“python”, “pip”, etc, without a version, runs Python 2.7.
“python3”, “pip3”, etc, runs Python 3.x.  The exact 3.x.y version depends on 
your PATH.

The documentation recommends invoking pip as a module on systems with multiple 
versions installed, such as macOS:

Bev in TX

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