jayvdb added a subscriber: Multichill.
jayvdb added a comment.

  In https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T129193#2119074, @darthbhyrava wrote:
  > - gen.request['rcprop'] and the extra p['ns'] in `recentChanges`
  The default rcprop value is documented on mw:API:RecentChanges 
<https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:RecentChanges> as `timestamp|title|ids`, so 
imageuncat value of `title|user|comment|ids` has two additional props : `user` 
and `comment`.  They are explained on the aforementioned API manual page.
  `recentChanges` fetches these additional properties, but then it only uses 
`p['title']` and `p['ns']` , so it is not using the values that prop comment or 
user provide.
  So why is it there?  It was added in September 2009 by 
, with a vague commit message referring to @Multichill who might know more 
about why it was added.  However a little git blame analysis allows us to 
deduce why the change happened.
  In September 2009, `APISite.recentchanges` was using 
(it is only slightly different in the current 2016 code), so that commit was 
reducing the number of rc props being used: it removed `timestamp` and 
`redirect|patrolled|loginfo|flags`.  A comment in that commit says:
  1. remove 'patrolled' from rcprop since we can't get it
  So it seems the main objective of the patch was to remove `patrolled` from 
the list of requested props.  It also avoided requesting unnecessary/unused 
properties.   `user` and `comment` are two additional unused properties that 
could have removed been removed in that changeset, but were not.  They are not 
  Now when we look at `RecentChangesPageGenerator`, we see it is using 
`APISite.recentchanges`, and `APISite.recentchanges` does not request the 
`patrolled` prop.  So, the main objective of this line in `imageuncat`'s 
`recentChanges` appears to have been solved in `APISite.recentchanges`.  
Therefore, imageuncat should be able to use `RecentChangesPageGenerator` 
without any problem without a modified `rcprop`.
  **Could you please find the commit which removed the `patrolled` prop from 
`APISite.recentchanges`?  **
  However, `RecentChangesPageGenerator` is requesting many other props which 
are unnecessary as they are not used.  RecentChangesPageGenerator` only uses 
`title` and `type` -- everything else is discarded.  So there is a performance 
improvement which can be made to `RecentChangesPageGenerator`, by setting the 
rcprop to only include the props which are used.  This should be a separate 
(new) changeset.



To: darthbhyrava, jayvdb
Cc: Multichill, Mpaa, gerritbot, darthbhyrava, Aklapper, Avicennasis, 
pywikibot-bugs-list, jayvdb, Lewizho99

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