Hi William,

On 2 July 2013 07:01, William H. Magill <mag...@icloud.com> wrote:

> In updating the documentation for the Mac install (as well as installing
> it myself for the first time) I encountered the following SVN error:
> > svn: warning: Error handling externals definition for
> 'pywikipedia/externals/pycolorname':
> > svn: warning: OPTIONS of '
> https://svn.toolserver.org/svnroot/drtrigon/externals/pycolorname':
> > Could not read status line: connection was closed by server (
> https://svn.toolserver.org)
> I assume this to be a transient SVN error -- changes being made, in
> progress, etc. ???

This is a repository on svn.toolserver.org, which (unfortunately) is not
always very stable. We are, however, also in the progress of a migration to
git, and the preferred way of getting pywikipedia will then (probably....)
change to downloading nightlies. This all still needs to thought out,
documented... and communicated, though.

Anyway, thank you very much for taking the effort to update the OS X docs -
it's just the 'getting it' that will change; everything else should stay
the same.

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