1- The original goal... Configure Pywikipedia Bot to access  lotro-wiki.com -- 
which runs MediaWiki, with Semantic extensions.

2- Secondary goal... update the OSX documentation.

3- A side issue -- OSX Server 10.8 now provides a standard distribution Wiki as 
part of it's "canned" support. I have not yet activated it, but that will be 
"the next step." ... but I have to learn how to do that also!!!


So far so good... Now I've gotten to the "fork in the road." (BTW, I should 
mention that I'm not a Python programmer.)

The implication from everything I have read so far, is that I will need to 
create a "Family" file to support this private wiki.

Q1 -- Assuming this is necessary ...(which is the first question... is a 
"FAMIILY" and family file necessary at all when running against a private Wiki.

Reading the file families/README-family.txt" the first thing it suggests is to 
run the script -- "generate_family_file.py". --- it fails consistently.

I have tried running that file with the following "user-config.py" files:
This first one was what I was using following my own generalization of the 

# -*- coding: utf-8  -*-
family = 'mywiki'
mylang = 'en'
usernames['mywiki']['en'] = u'magill-bot'
use_api_login = True

> python generate_family_file.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "generate_family_file.py", line 36, in <module>
    import config
  File "/Users/magill/pywikipedia/config.py", line 606, in <module>
  File "./user-config.py", line 4, in <module>
    usernames['mywiki']['en'] = u'magill-bot'
KeyError: 'mywiki'
Then tried more specifically -- mixed case

# -*- coding: utf-8  -*-
family = 'LOTRO-Wiki'
mylang = 'en'
usernames[LOTRO-Wikii']['en'] = u'magill-bot'
use_api_login = True

>python generate_family_file.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "generate_family_file.py", line 36, in <module>
    import config
  File "/Users/magill/pywikipedia/config.py", line 606, in <module>
  File "./user-config.py", line 4, in <module>
    usernames['LOTRO-Wiki']['en'] = u'magill-bot'
KeyError: 'LOTRO-Wiki'
Then with the actual URL...

# -*- coding: utf-8  -*-
family = 'lotro-wiki.com'
mylang = 'en'
usernames[lotro-wikii.com']['en'] = u'magill-bot'
use_api_login = True

>python generate_family_file.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "generate_family_file.py", line 36, in <module>
    import config
  File "/Users/magill/pywikipedia/config.py", line 606, in <module>
  File "./user-config.py", line 4, in <module>
    usernames['lotro-wiki.com']['en'] = u'magill-bot'
KeyError: 'lotro-wiki.com'

So, either I have the syntax of the "user-config.py"  file wrong... or the 
script  "generate_family_file.py"  NEVER works for any undefined WIKI.

Q2 -- is there some magic (i.e. undocumented) incantation necessary to get 
"generate_family_files.py" to work? Or is it simply a worthless script?

William H. Magill
# iMac11,3 Core i7 [2.93GHz - 8 GB 1067MHz] OS X 10.8.4

# Macmini6,1 Intel Core i5 [2.5 Ghz - 4GB 1600MHz] OS X 10.8.3


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