On Sat, Aug 17, 2013 at 2:33 PM, Dr. Trigon <dr.tri...@surfeu.ch> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> > Maarten (multichill) has suggested we change setup.py and
> > generate_user_config.py and make a auto-generated list of needed
> > dependencies (based on OS or other things) and ask user when
> > he/she wants to install that which one you need! and install it
> > right away. another suggestion (my idea) is an example:
> >
> > This is certainly an option. Maybe Dr.Trigon can suggest something
> > in this direction - the current method of downloading
> > dependencies/externals when needed is reasonable, I think.
> Of course that is what I am working on since some time. Please give
> compat (trunk) a try, download it and then try to set it up and start
> a bot. IF there is an unsatisfied dependency the framework should
> complain and ask you whether you want to install it. This is still
> somehow pre-mature thus I need as much feedback as possible in order
> to adopt it to your needs - for me it works quite well installing
> about 10 (part of them quite big packages) external deps without an issue.
> As a feedback, It was very hard for newbies we have to work on it

>  > Alternatively, I'd like to suggest nightlies as main distribution
> > method. At least the core nightly is completely self-contained: it
> > has translations *and* httplib2 (the only required external
> > library). For most people, that would be the easiest way of
> > installing pywikibot.
> Good point; try also to use the nigtlies.
> Let's work on it!

> In fact this is something we have to discuss; what external libraries
> are *NEEDED*? E.g. in trunk articleno.py, subster_irc.py and in
> rewrite pywikibot.ircbot.py need "python-irclib". Or as another
> example, catimages.py needs a lot of externals like "opencv" and
> others. I tried to implement a "install-when-used" policy in order not
> to download hughe (~100MB) packages without needing them at all. But
> we REALLY SHOULD have some automated system in order to make it easier
> for beginners (and others) to install all the deps needed (when needed).
Can you give me a list of ALL of externals and which codes these externals
are used?

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