> I'd really like to put this discussion to bed 

OK, so the simplest approach I see here is:
* Leave all repos at Bitbucket.
* Let the git support in Phab mature a bit (maybe they'll fix annoyances like 
using callsigns for repo names). Resolve public hosting.
* Don't change anything at least as long as we don't have FAS support in Phab. 
Until then, it doesn't really matter whether we manage commit permission using 
Bitbucket accounts or Phab accounts.
* Once there is FAS support and improved git support in Phab, discuss whether 
we want to move the repos, so that we have everything in a single location (and 
mirror back to Bitbucket, if we want).

If this sounds reasonable, I'll probably move 
https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/fedora-qa.git/ to bitbucket as well, so that 
we start to get rid of fedorahosted and move all code into a single place.
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