Hello Kamil,

Sorry for replying late.  I subscribed to this list, but for a reason the 
emails are still not being delivered to me.  I clicked on some more buttons in 
the interface right now, so we'll see.  In the mean time, I am using the web 
interface to reply, so please forgive the awkward formatting that might come 
out of this.

> One additional thing that I noticed today - when I ran the abipkgdiff 
> comparison on lyx
> package, it used up to 6 GB RAM. That is really high and I believe our test 
> clients
> don't have that many available.


I think the test systems must have that kind of amount of memory.  For most 
packages, the memory consumption is reasonable.  But for some packages where 
the combination of ELF binary size and uncompressed debug info size is big, 
then, well, the tool is going to require a lot of memory.  For instance, it 
takes 13+GB of memory to compare the ABI of two instances of the libjvm.so 

Really, abipkgdiff uses the usual "static analysis" techniques (it's only that 
it acts on binaries rather than source code), so it is expected to have the 
same kind of memory requirements.

> I don't know how abipkgdiff works and whether it
> is able to adjust its memory requirements based on the amount of available 
> system memory
> (so that it would use less memory on a less equipped system and still work 
> properly). 

abipkgdiff performs static analysis of the binary.  For a given library, it 
loads the type information of each one of the compilation units that make up 
the final library.  There can be hundreds of thousands of those types in big 
libraries.  abipkgdiff has to represent them all to analyse them. It needs to 
have them all in memory because it analyses the relationships between all the 
types.  And unlike a compiler that generally sees only one translation unit at 
a time, abipkgdiff sees the type information of all the translation units at a 
time.  Just like what a debugger has to do.  And abipkgdiff has to do this 
*twice*, because it needs to load two libraries to compare the types of the 
functions and variables in that library.  So yes, that can take a lot of 
memory.  We are working on optimizations, of course, but the reality is that 
there are going to be binaries for which we'll need a lot of memory to operate 
on.  And right now, we cannot do this incrementally.

> Do you know if this is going to be a problem or not? 

If the machine doesn't have enough memory, then yes it's going to be a problem. 
 Our testing showed that in practice, for the vast majority of packages, the 
memory consumption is OK.  But there are going to be some packages that will 
require much much more memory.

> And do you know what is the peak memory
> usage for very big packages (e.g. what about comparing two kernel packages)? 

As Sinny said in another thread, abipkgdiff doesn't support the kernel yet.  So 
we haven't tested that.

> Is there any solution that we could use to limit the memory consumption of 
> abipkgdiff?

In general, I'd say there is no good solution beside us optimizing the code 
more to make it consume less over time.  And this is something I am really 
interested in doing.  I have started already and I intend to keep doing that as 
part of the normal development process.

As Sinny pointed out, in the particular case of the lyx package, the tool 
should *not* have performed any comparison because that package only contains 
an executable.  The tool should only act on libraries, at least in a first 
instalment.  The reason why it tried to compare two lyx executable is because 
it mistakenly considered that executable as a shared library.  This mistake can 
happen on Position Independent Executables, due to a bug in Libabigail.  This 
bug is fixed now, though.  So on lyx, the memory consumption should be very 
minimal now, as abipkgdiff won't do anything ;-)

I hope this helps.
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