On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 10:26 PM, Julia Mandeville <j...@alum.wpi.edu> wrote:
> Hello All
>     Ihave just signed up to be part of the Open Office QA team.
>     Here is a brief introduction to myself and why I decided to do this.
>     My name is Julia Mandeville and I live in Londonderry, NH, USA

Hello Julia,

Welcome to the Apache OpenOffice project!   I am Rob Weir, a little
over the border from you, in Westford, MA.

>     I was a QA Engineer for Sybase (now aSAP company) for 14 years from Jan
> 1996 to Feb 2010- working mainly on the Sybase SQL Server/ASE Product and
> with the Component Integration Services (connecting to other ASEs, to
> Oracle, to DB2, to Sybase IQ, to Sybase ASA, etc)


>     I have been a Stay-At-Home-Mom(more like stay-at-school, Mom's Taxi)
> since, and am nowthe Box Tops Coordinator for my daughter's school.
>     I have spreadsheets forboth the Box Tops and for my daughter's Girl
> Scout Cookie salesand I formerly had them working perfectly in MS Excel.
> Then I had to have my laptop worked on and it ended up entailing the
> replacement of my hard drive and with that my installation of MS Office
> which I had gotten with the purchase of the laptop. I have misplaced my
> original install disks and am unwilling to spend the money to replace what I
> should already have, so I am now using Open Office.   For the basics it is
> quite compatible, however, I have found that some formulas/conditional
> formatting which were so easy in MS Excel, just don't work in Open Office
> Calc.  I am hoping that through this process, I am able to find the
> information I need to truely learn Open Office Calc so that I can use it to
> its potential.
> One of the sets of issues I have found has been with conditional formatting.
> (I am just now downloading 3.4.1, so I'll see if its been fixed/added) is in
> my Box Tops spreadsheet. I have the totals for each class and the classes
> are grouped togetherby floor K-4; 5-8-- at the end of the year the class on
> each floor with the mostBox Tops gets a Dress Down Day (its a small (1
> classroom/grade) Catholic School) - so any non-uniform day can be a big
> deal. With MS Excel, I was able to take say the K-4 and with conditional
> formatting have it color code min to max in gradation (it would let you pick
> a color for min and a color for max and it would set the gradation for the
> values inbetween). With Open Office Calc, I am not only not able to do this
> but I have also found that in selecting a column of numbers (saythe sheet
> for the 7th grade students selecting the column for the 2nd Quarter - each
> row is for 1 student; not all students participate each quarter) and with
> conditional formatting have it highlight the max -- for me it was
> highlighting the 0s [zeros] (not max - but multiple instances of the min
> value)

It might help to reduce your spreadsheet to the bare essentials needed
to illustrate the issue and then enter a defect report in Bugzilla:


> These 2 are just a few of the frustrations I have runinto recently with Open
> Office Calc.

That is the nice thing about open source software.  Volunteers work on
things that interest them, and often that means they "scratch their
own itch".  With a diverse enough group of volunteers, we are able
then to prioritize what gets attention.  This is different than the
big commercial packages, where unless you are buying a million dollar
enterprise contract you won't be heard.

> I will do my best to show the problems I find, and to explain them as simply
> as possiblewith recreatable steps.

Excellent.  And if you want to explore volunteering with QA more
generally in the project, I'd recommend reviewing our New Volunteer
Orientation modules, with an emphasis on the Level 1 and Level 2
material as well as Intro to QA.  Obviously, with your experience I'm
not going to teach you anything you don't already know about QA
methodology and process.  But there is some useful info there on
cultural/social topics related to this project, how it is run,
decision making, mailing list etiquette, etc.  So it is worth going
over once.



> Thank you
> Julia

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