
I would like to report the following bug : in the macros when a line containing "if ... then ... else" is followed by a comment on the same line, the compiler fails.

Example :

Function test()
    dim a as long, b as long
  a=0:  b=0
  if a = b then a=1  else a=2  'test
  call msgbox b
End Function

The presence or not of the comment " 'test " at the end of the line changes the result displayed :

>When the comment is present on the line, the message displays the result "*b=0*", which is wrong >When the comment is omitted, the message displays the result "*b=1*", which is correct

The error thus comes from the fact that *when this comment is present, the program ignores the next line*.

You can confirm this again by placing the line with this comment just before the line "End Function" : the compiler will report "End Function is missing" !

Thank you all !


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