Hi Lucien,

On 6/6/22 12:51 PM, Lucien Mathay wrote:
Thank you Regina, but

if I add an 'endif' at the end of the line
  ( "  if a = b then a=1  Else a=2  endif  'test "),
the compiler fails with the message "Syntax error : unexpectes symbol : End If".

Furthermore, the book from   "OpenOffice .org    Macros OoOffice et Apis" from Bernard Marcelly and Laurent Goddard states p.118 :

"Lorsqu’une seule instruction suffit dans la partie Then et dans la partie Else, la séquence peut s’écrire sur une seule ligne :
   If expr1 Then instruction1v Else instruction1f
 Notez l’absence du End If dans cette forme simplifiée."
which means, translated :

"When only one instruction is used in the section Then and in the section Else, the sequence can be written on one single line :
   If expr1 Then instruction1v Else instruction1f
 Please note the absence of End If in this simplified usage"

Therefore I still consider this as a bug.

I believe you are correct.

In my recent work on making the trunk test suites standalone to run against other branches like AOO41X I discovered some other bug fixes that were applied to trunk and AOO42X but never back ported to AOO41X.

Two examples I put in a PR-150 [1]. One of which related to variable names in single-line if statements. I tested your example against that build but it isn't fixed by it but I believe I found the patch that fixed your bug in trunk [2].
Issue 126272 [3] is listed in Bugzilla with a target milestone of 4.2.
I think this needs a more general discussion on dev@ about how much we should change API's in 4.1.X.
Which I intended to do anyway before merging my PR-150.

Thanks for pointing this out!

[1] https://github.com/apache/openoffice/pull/150
[2] https://github.com/apache/openoffice/commit/07396187f6055b1e7cffa86f38cc88b274dfb1d6
[3] https://bz.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=126272

Best regards,

With kind regards,

Le 6/06/22 à 13:32, Regina Henschel a écrit :
Hi Lucien,

Lucien Mathay schrieb am 06.06.2022 um 10:42:

I would like to report the following bug : in the macros when a line containing "if ... then ... else" is followed by a comment on the same line, the compiler fails.

Example :

Function test()
     dim a as long, b as long
   a=0:  b=0
   if a = b then a=1  else a=2  'test
   call msgbox b
End Function

The if-statement misses endif.

Kind regards,

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