You can access the original value via input.cpp.prop:

        fileTags: [tag],
        filePath: outputDir + "/" + FileInfo.baseName(input.fileName) + suffix,
        cpp: {
            includePaths: [].concat(input.cpp.includePaths, outputDir),
            warningLevel: "none",

> 10 июля 2020 г., в 13:42, Dan Pat <> написал(а):
> I have checked out the solution and discovered an inconvenience. As it 
> stands, Artifacts are passed to the "cpp" module  with flags set by the 
> Product (and product imported Modules) in the context of which the Artifacts 
> are built. But as soon as I set the Artifact specific "cpp.cxxFlags" , they 
> seem to replace, instead of being appended to (desired behaviour), the 
> Product-wise flags. Can you suggest any clean way to deal with this?
> пт, 10 июл. 2020 г. в 14:34, Dan Pat < 
> <>>:
> Ah, I was looking directly at it and still didn't notice the 
> "cpp.cxxLanguageVersion" part. Thank you.
> пт, 10 июл. 2020 г. в 13:33, Richard Weickelt < 
> <>>:
> > Hi. I have a code generator, encapsulated in a dedicated Module, producing
> > c++ source files. The generator's artifacts are then picked up by the
> > "cpp"
> > module according to the rules. For such generated files (and for them
> > only)
> > I would like to pass certain flags to the compiler (to suppress certain
> > warnings) but I cannot figure out how. Any ideas are welcome. Regards.
> Have a look at the code example here: 
> <>
> If you use the outputArtifacts property of the Rule item instead, it should 
> work very similar:
> outputArtifacts: [{filePath: "myfile.cpp", fileTags: ["cpp"], cpp: { 
> someFlag: "value" }}]
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