
> how to add another "qresource prefix" section to this resource file, for example "binary"?

But, for what? You can create/generate just a second resource file with the binaries.

BR, Denis

01.10.2021 22:47, Карелин Павел пишет:
Good time of day, colleagues

I previously asked how to dynamically create a resource file for project QGit (https://github.com/hkarel/qgit). The answer was received (see correspondence below).
I got the following solution:

    Group {
        name: "trigrams"
        fileTags: "trigrams"
        files: FileInfo.joinPaths(product.sourceDirectory, "spellcheck/sonnet/trigrams/*")

    Group {
        fileTagsFilter: ["trigrams-map"]
        fileTags: ["qt.core.resource_data"]
    Qt.core.resourceFileBaseName: "trigrams"
    Qt.core.resourcePrefix: "trigrams"

    Rule {
        id: idtrigrams
        inputs: ["trigrams"]
        explicitlyDependsOnFromDependencies: ["trigrams-generator"]

        Artifact {
            fileTags: ["trigrams-map"]
            filePath: FileInfo.joinPaths(project.buildDirectory, "trigrams", input.baseName + ".tmap")
        prepare: {
            var runUtl = explicitlyDependsOn["trigrams-generator"][0].filePath             var outputFile = FileInfo.joinPaths(project.buildDirectory, "trigrams", input.baseName + ".tmap");

            var cmd = new Command(runUtl, [input.filePath, outputFile]);
            cmd.description = "sonnet parse trigrams";
            cmd.highlight = "filegen";
            return cmd;

As a result, such a resource file is created:

<RCC version="1.0">
    <qresource prefix="trigrams">
        <file alias="en_US.tmap">/home/hkarel/CProjects/QGit/build/Debug/trigrams/en_US.tmap</file>         <file alias="ru_RU.tmap">/home/hkarel/CProjects/QGit/build/Debug/trigrams/ru_RU.tmap</file>

Question: how to add another "qresource prefix" section to this resource file, for example "binary"?
So that the resource file looks like this:

<RCC version="1.0">
    <qresource prefix="trigrams">
        <file alias="en_US.tmap">/home/hkarel/CProjects/QGit/build/Debug/trigrams/en_US.tmap</file>         <file alias="ru_RU.tmap">/home/hkarel/CProjects/QGit/build/Debug/trigrams/ru_RU.tmap</file>
    <qresource prefix="binary">
        <file alias="file1.bin">/home/hkarel/CProjects/QGit/build/Debug/binary_res/file1.bin</file>         <file alias="file2.bin">/home/hkarel/CProjects/QGit/build/Debug/binary_res/file1.bin</file>

BR, Pavel

-------- Перенаправленное сообщение --------
Тема: Re: [Qbs] Build and run a AuxiliaryApplication before build a MainApplication
Дата:   Mon, 22 Feb 2021 11:00:18 +0100
От:     Christian Kandeler <christian.kande...@qt.io>
Кому:   qbs@qt-project.org

On 2/19/21 5:43 PM, Карелин Павел wrote:
Project QGit__micro is attached.
The situation is reproduced

I've attached the corrected qbs files.


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