On Fri, Sep 17, 2021 at 10:30 AM Hanna Reitz <hre...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On 17.09.21 07:40, John Snow wrote:
> > Disable the aqmp logger, which likes to (at the moment) print out
> > intermediate warnings and errors that cause session termination; disable
> > them so they don't interfere with the job output.
> >
> > Leave any "CRITICAL" warnings enabled though, those are ones that we
> > should never see, no matter what.
> I mean, looks OK to me, but from what I understand (i.e. little),
> qmp_client doesn’t log CRITICAL messages, at least I can’t see any. Only
There's *one* critical message in protocol.py, used for a circumstance that
I *think* should be impossible. I do not think I currently use any WARNING
level statements.

> I guess I’m missing some CRITICAL messages in external functions called
> from qmp_client.py, but shouldn’t we still keep ERRORs?


The errors logged by AQMP are *almost always* raised as Exceptions
somewhere else, eventually. Sometimes when we encounter them in one
context, we need to save them and then re-raise them in a different
execution context. There's one good exception to this: My pal, EOFError.

If the reader context encounters EOF, it raises EOFError and this causes a
disconnect to be scheduled asynchronously. *Any* Exception that causes a
disconnect to be scheduled asynchronously is dutifully logged as an ERROR.
At this point in the code, we don't really know if the user of the library
considers this an "error" yet or not. I've waffled a lot on how exactly to
treat this circumstance. ...Hm, I guess that's really the only case where I
have an error that really ought to be suppressed. I suppose what I will do
here is: if the exception happens to be an EOFError I will drop the
severity of the log message down to INFO. I don't know why it takes being
challenged on this stuff to start thinking clearly about it, but here we
are. Thank you for your feedback :~)


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