What I'm trying to achieve is to write a file from a guest OS to a host.  In this case both are Windows OS.
I use the user network command line options since I looking for a no install on host, portable solution.
I've tried various build in solutions: -tftp (read-only), and -smb (not supported in windows host) do me no good.
What I manage to do with a certain success is to map network shares of the host in the guest (net use z:\MyShare in the guest).  I can browse and read files from the mapped drive.  However I can't write to it from the guest. I received an Access Denied message instead even if the share is set so Everyone has Full Control.
I don't understand why this doesn't work. Is it Windows preventing the write is the exchange this a limitation in QEMU or in SLiRP?  As I understand it SLiRP translates some tcp headers and acts as a firewall preventing incoming calls but autorizes outgoing calls from the guest out.  That's why web browsing works in user network mode.  Should't file transfer work too?  Is the network file sharing protocol more complex than that for writes? Or is that rather a Windows security issue?
Any explanation or workaround would be appreciated.

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