The KQEMU doc mentions setting QEMU_TMPDIR to a ramdisk for increased performances under KQEMU which saves the memory image of the guest OS.

I'm running XP Pro as the Host with qemu version 0.7.1-3 which includes KQEMU (I can see it is enabled with 'info kqemu'.)

I've added 'set QEMU_TMPDIR=c:\tmp' to my qemu launch script.  However I can't see that file.  The folder is empty no matter how I look at it.  I know the doc says the file is hidden but shouldn't I see it if I 'dir c:/tmp /AH'? Also Properties of that folder show no files, no size.

Where is that hidden file? And how can I move it to a ram drive in Windows?

I notice that QEMU is quite slower than VMWare.  Apparently due to the way IO occur.  What are the strategies to enhance that performance?  Does anyone knows if the current patches apply to Windows builds?

 Thanks for your help.

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