On Mon, 15 May 2006 20:03:00 +0200, Mikhail Ramendik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


As I have reported before, it seems that on my host linux system kqemu does
not work with guest win98se.

Is there any benchmark that I could run in the guest, with and without kqemu, to check if this is so objectively? (Ideally I'd like two benchmarks - 16-bit
and 32-bit code).


An ANSI-C benchmark program:

It should be compiled by full optimization.

and some results:

I'm not sure whether is it really objective. Tests only the processor's speed (not I/O). It was written, and maintained by one of my teachers, Gyorgy Pongor, until he died 2 or 3 years ago. By that time, he collected many result files (even PDP-11 and VAX machines!), that is the second link above.

You can try a 16 bit compiler also (e.g. ancient Borland compiler).

Miklos Gyozo

my results:
on host:
===== Results of bench marks V.6.4,  Pongor, György =====

Type of machine : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz, 3006.943, 1024 KB

Type of compiler : gcc version 3.3.6 (Debian 1:3.3.6-7), gcc -O3 bm-ansi.c -o nyosO3 -lm

Name of this result file : nyosO3.bm

 Length of integer = 32 bits
 Length of double mantissa = 64 bits
 Length of address = 32 bits

 Precision of time estimation = 1%
 Clock resolution = 1000000.000 clocks/sec
 ==> Minimal execution time of one test:     2 sec

Test 1: Direct select. sort 1000 real numbers ----- Time= 0.00193 sec Test 2: Discrete Fourier Transform of 128 reals ----- Time= 0.00258 sec Test 3: Find first 1000 primes ----- Time= 0.00742 sec Test 4: Sieve of Eratosthenes with 2000 numbers ----- Time= 2.01e-05 sec Test 5: FFT of 1024 complex numbers ----- Time= 7.32e-05 sec Test 6: Invert a matrix of 50 * 50 reals ----- Time= 0.000789 sec Test 7: Calculate Binom(18,7) ----- Time= 0.000518 sec

 Average performance :  3207.6  "MicroVAX II MIPS"

----- Summary of results -----
 Machine : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz, 3006.943, 1024 KB
Compiler : gcc version 3.3.6 (Debian 1:3.3.6-7), gcc -O3 bm-ansi.c -o nyosO3 -lm |fpp? | 32 64 32 ? | 1.929e-03 2.578e-03 7.422e-03 2.012e-05 7.324e-05 7.886e-04 5.176e-04 | 3207.615 |

the same binary on qemu (0.7.2):

===== Results of bench marks V.6.4,  Pongor, György =====

Type of machine :  Pentium II (Klamath) QEMU, 3009.347, 128 KB

Type of compiler : gcc the same

Name of this result file : nyosO3qemu.bm

 Length of integer = 32 bits
 Length of double mantissa = 64 bits
 Length of address = 32 bits

 Precision of time estimation = 1%
 Clock resolution = 1000000.000 clocks/sec
 ==> Minimal execution time of one test:     2 sec

Test 1: Direct select. sort 1000 real numbers ----- Time= 0.00219 sec Test 2: Discrete Fourier Transform of 128 reals ----- Time= 0.00289 sec Test 3: Find first 1000 primes ----- Time= 0.0084 sec Test 4: Sieve of Eratosthenes with 2000 numbers ----- Time= 4.14e-05 sec Test 5: FFT of 1024 complex numbers ----- Time= 0.000103 sec Test 6: Invert a matrix of 50 * 50 reals ----- Time= 0.000947 sec Test 7: Calculate Binom(18,7) ----- Time= 0.000594 sec

 Average performance :  2541.7  "MicroVAX II MIPS"

----- Summary of results -----
 Machine :  Pentium II (Klamath) QEMU, 3009.347, 128 KB
 Compiler : gcc ugyanugy
|fpp? | 32 64 32 ? | 2.188e-03 2.891e-03 8.398e-03 4.141e-05 1.031e-04 9.473e-04 5.938e-04 | 2541.747 |

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