1) When you accidentally run qemu as root, could it NOT try to go into a 
full-screen display by default resulting in a corrupted display you can't 
break out of and have to power cycle the machine?

2) After said reboot, when you're sanely running qemu as a normal user but 
using the hda image file you made as root,  if a hard drive image isn't 
writeable, could it warn or something, rather than having the ubuntu install 
mysteriously fail halfway through when it finds itself unable to 
mount /dev/hda1 after it thinks it just partitioned the drive?  (The error 
messages are a bit vague here, because it _thinks_ earlier steps succeeded.)

Thanks.  0.9.0 looks really nice.  Are qops going in next?

"Perfection is reached, not when there is no longer anything to add, but
when there is no longer anything to take away." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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