On Wednesday 21 Feb 2007, Ben Taylor wrote:
> ---- Robin Atwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > This has been driving me mad! I have just installed Solaris 10 under Qemu
> > and specified the Xorg server to be used. I created xorg.conf with
> > xorgconfig and X started fine at 1024x768 using the Cirrus driver. When I
> > edited xorg.conf to specify a 1280x1024 display, the Xorg.0.log file
> > showed "no mode".
> You may have to define HorizSync and VertRefresh in the xorg.conf file.
> I have a nexenta alpha 6 with updates that just comes up in 1280x800 by
> setting the HorizSync value in the xorg.conf.

I have done that but what values are you using?

> > Now, I
> > have both Win XP and Plan 9 running at 1280x1024, so I booted up XP and
> > poked around the "Display/Settings" dialog and determined XP was running
> > the display at 1280x1024 at 43Hz interlaced and 16 bit colour.
> So you also need to define DefaultDepth in the xorg.conf file.

Done that.

Robin Atwood.

"Ship me somewheres east of Suez, where the best is like the worst,
 Where there ain't no Ten Commandments an' a man can raise a thirst"
         from "Mandalay" by Rudyard Kipling

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