On Mon, 4 Mar 2024 at 11:10, Thomas Huth <th...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Using my shell script to query repology, I get:
> centos_stream_8: 0.3.1
> centos_stream_9: 0.5.1
> fedora_37: 1.0.0
> fedora_38: 1.1.1
> fedora_39: 1.2.2
> fedora_rawhide: 2.0.0
> freebsd: 1.0.0
> haikuports_master: 1.2.1
> openbsd: 1.2.2
> opensuse_leap_15_5: 0.5.1
> pkgsrc_current: 2.0.0
> debian_11: 0.5.1
> debian_12: 1.2.0
> debian_13: 2.0.0
> ubuntu_20_04: 0.4.3
> ubuntu_22_04: 1.0.0
> ubuntu_23_04: 1.2.0
> ubuntu_23_10: 1.3.0
> ubuntu_24_04: 2.0.0
> So CentOS Stream 8 is too old ... but didn't we stop supporting the distro
> Sphinx there anyway since we switched to the python venv stuff last year?

Not sure, but that does ring a faint bell.

As our other option, what's the approved Python way
of comparing versions these days?

-- PMM

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