On Mon, 10 Jun 2024 at 16:27, Manos Pitsidianakis
<manos.pitsidiana...@linaro.org> wrote:
> On Mon, 10 Jun 2024 22:59, Stefan Hajnoczi <stefa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> What are the issues with not using the compiler, rustc, directly?
> >> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> >> [whataretheissueswith] Back to [TOC]
> >>
> >> 1. Tooling
> >>    Mostly writing up the build-sys tooling to do so. Ideally we'd
> >>    compile everything without cargo but rustc directly.
> >
> >Why would that be ideal?
> It remove the indirection level of meson<->cargo<->rustc. I don't have a
> concrete idea on how to tackle this, but if cargo ends up not strictly
> necessary, I don't see why we cannot use one build system.

The convenience of being able to use cargo dependencies without
special QEMU meson build system effort seems worth the overhead of
meson<->cargo<->rustc to me. There is a blog post that explores using
cargo crates using meson's wrap dependencies here, and it seems like
extra work:

It's possible to use just meson today, but I don't think it's
practical when using cargo dependencies.

> >
> >>
> >>    If we decide we need Rust's `std` library support, we could
> >>    investigate whether building it from scratch is a good solution. This
> >>    will only build the bits we need in our devices.
> >
> >Whether or not to use std is a fundamental decision. It might be
> >difficult to back from std later on. This is something that should be
> >discussed in more detail.
> >
> >Do you want to avoid std for maximum flexibility in the future, or are
> >there QEMU use cases today where std is unavailable?
> For flexibility, and for being compatible with more versions.
> But I do not want to avoid it, what I am saying is we can do a custom
> build of it instead of linking to the rust toolchain's prebuilt version.

What advantages does a custom build of std bring?

> >
> >>
> >> 2. Rust dependencies
> >>    We could go without them completely. I chose deliberately to include
> >>    one dependency in my UART implementation, `bilge`[0], because it has
> >>    an elegant way of representing typed bitfields for the UART's
> >>    registers.
> >>
> >> [0]: Article: https://hecatia-elegua.github.io/blog/no-more-bit-fiddling/
> >>      Crates.io page: https://crates.io/crates/bilge
> >>      Repository: https://github.com/hecatia-elegua/bilge
> >
> >I guess there will be interest in using rust-vmm crates in some way.
> >
> >Bindings to platform features that are not available in core or std
> >will also be desirable. We probably don't want to reinvent them.
> Agreed.
> >
> >>
> >> Should QEMU use third-party dependencies?
> >> -----------------------------------------
> >> [shouldqemuusethirdparty] Back to [TOC]
> >>
> >> In my personal opinion, if we need a dependency we need a strong
> >> argument for it. A dependency needs a trusted upstream source, a QEMU
> >> maintainer to make sure it us up-to-date in QEMU etc.
> >>
> >> We already fetch some projects with meson subprojects, so this is not a
> >> new reality. Cargo allows you to define "locked" dependencies which is
> >> the same as only fetching specific commits by SHA. No suspicious
> >> tarballs, and no disappearing dependencies a la left-pad in npm.
> >>
> >> However, I believe it's worth considering vendoring every dependency by
> >> default, if they prove to be few, for the sake of having a local QEMU
> >> git clone buildable without network access.
> >
> >Do you mean vendoring by committing them to qemu.git or just the
> >practice of running `cargo vendor` locally for users who decide they
> >want to keep a copy of the dependencies?
> Committing, with an option to opt-out. They are generally not big in
> size. I am not of strong opinion on this one, I'm very open to
> alternatives.

Fedora and Debian want Rust applications to use distro-packaged
crates. No vendoring and no crates.io online access. It's a bit of a
pain because Rust developers need to make sure their code works with
whatever version of crates Fedora and Debian provide.

The `cargo vendor` command makes it easy for anyone wishing to collect
the required dependencies for offline builds (something I've used for
CentOS builds where vendoring is allowed).

I suggest not vendoring packages in qemu.git. Users can still run
`cargo vendor` for easy offline builds.

> >>
> >> Should QEMU provide wrapping Rust APIs over QEMU internals?
> >> -----------------------------------------------------------
> >> [qemuprovidewrappingrustapis] Back to [TOC]
> >>
> >> My personal opinion is no, with the reasoning being that QEMU internals
> >> are not documented or stable. However I do not see why creating stable
> >> opt-in interfaces is bad. It just needs someone to volunteer to maintain
> >> it and ensure there are no breakages through versions.
> >
> >Rust code will need to interface with QEMU's C APIs, so Rust wrappers
> >seem unavoidable. Using a protocol like vhost-user might be possible
> >in some cases. It separates the two codebases so they can both be
> >native and without bindings, but that won't work for all parts of the
> >QEMU source tree.
> >
> >Stable APIs aren't necessary if most developers in the QEMU community
> >are willing to work in both languages. They can adjust both C and Rust
> >code when making changes to APIs. I find this preferable to having
> >Rust maintainers whose job is to keep wrappers up-to-date. Those Rust
> >maintainers would probably burn out. This seems like a question of
> >which approach the developer community is comfortable with.
> Me too.
> >
> >>
> >> Will QEMU now depend on Rust and thus not build on my XYZ platform?
> >> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> >> [qemudependonrustnotbuildonxyz] Back to [TOC]
> >>
> >> No, worry about this in some years if this experiment takes off. Rust
> >> has broad platform support and is present in most distro package
> >> managers. In the future we might have gcc support for it as well.
> >>
> >> For now, Rust will have an experimental status, and will be aimed to
> >> those who wish to try it. I leave it to the project leaders to make
> >> proper decisions and statements on this if necessary.
> >
> >This can be discussed in a separate email thread if you prefer, but I
> >do think it needs agreement soon so that people have the confidence to
> >invest their time in writing Rust. They need to know that the code
> >they develop will be available on most platforms where QEMU is
> >available and that others in the community won't object or insist on a
> >C implementation for platform support reasons.
> Definitely, also it's out of scope for this RFC since we're not writing
> and rules/guidelines yet.
> >
> >>
> >>
> >> How is the compilation structured?
> >> ==================================
> >> [howisthecompilationstructured] Back to [TOC]
> >>
> >> First, a meson target that runs `bindgen` on a bunch of header files
> >> (defined in `rust/wrapper.h`) is created as a target and as a dependency
> >> for any rust hardware device that needs it. You can see the generated
> >> bindings by running
> >>
> >>   ninja generated.rs
> >>
> >> inside your build directory.
> >>
> >> The devices are defined as dictionaries in rust/meson.build because they
> >> depend on the bindgen dependency, which is available much later in the
> >> meson process (when the static qemu lib and target emulator executables
> >> are defined).
> >>
> >> A cargo wrapper python script under scripts/ exists to build the crate
> >> library, by providing the path to the generated.rs bindings via the
> >> environment. Then, the qemu-system-aarch64 binary links against the
> >> staticlib archive (i.e. libpl011.a)
> >>
> >> The generated.rs rust file includes a bunch of junk definitions?
> >> ================================================================
> >> [generatedrsincludesjunk] Back to [TOC]
> >>
> >> Yes, bindgen allows you to block certain types and identifiers from
> >> being generated but they are simply too many. I have trimmed some of the
> >> fat but vast improvements can be made.
> >>
> >> The staticlib artifact contains a bunch of mangled .o objects?
> >> ==============================================================
> >> [staticlibmangledobjects] Back to [TOC]
> >>
> >> Yes, until we compile without the `std` module library or we compile it
> >> manually instead of linking it, we will have some junk in it.
> >
> >What is the consequence of this? As long as the linker is bringing in
> >.o files from the .a only through symbol dependencies, then unused .o
> >files in the .a won't be linked into the final QEMU binary.
> No consequence, I just want to warn anyone peeking into the rust output
> (not the final qemu binary) to expect junk.

Okay, cool!

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