
I found this file (google for it): stage3-sparc-2006.0.tar.bz2

I put it into a vmdk image file, preformatted in ext2 fs.
I touched up a few files and used the sparc kernel and
binaries from the qemu-windows page.

I've now a native compiler for sparc32. I managed some
stuff with it already. If the kernel patches I've works with
this compiler, porting DetaolB to sparc32 should be fine.
I'll just take some times (native compilation in qemu).

Many of you will say: why not cross-compiling ? It's
hard to setup. Actually, the paper from Rob at OLS
should help me a lot when he'll release it. ;-)

http://detaolb.sourceforge.net/, a linux distribution for Qemu

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