On Thursday 03 January 2008 22:29:06 Paul Brook wrote:
> > ... Ok, to cut a long question short: Is there any hardware support im
> > qemu for doing monitoring (that goes deeper than using "time") and has
> > anyone ever tested something that could work?
> Probably your application wants the performance counters. Qemu doesn't
> emulate those.
> Besides which, qemu is not cycle accurate. Any performance measurements
> your make are pretty much meaningless, and bear absolutely no relationship
> to real hardware.

Thanks for the quick answer Paul! Not really what I wanted to hear, but 
probably true ;-)

Does anyone have an idea on how I can measure performance in qemu to a 
somewhat accurate level? I have modified qemu (the memory handling) and the 
linux kernel and want to find out the penalty this introduced... does anyone 
have any comments / ideas on this?


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