Il 05/06/2014 20:18, Max Reitz ha scritto:

Why is this design cleaner?  Because NBD code doesn't have to worry
about fd handlers.  It uses straightforward coroutine send/recv for
socket I/O inside nbd_read_req() and nbd_write_resp().  It's easy to see
that only one coroutine receives from the socket and that only one
coroutine writes to the socket.

Yes, this sounds better. I'll take a look into it and see how far I can

But it doesn't solve any problem, and requires rethinking the aio_set_fd_handler API. I suggest you just refactor all calls to qemu_set_fd_handler2 into a function like

        qemu_set_fd_handler2(fd, NULL,
                             nbd_can_read(client) ? nbd_read : NULL,
                             client->send_coroutine ?
                                        nbd_restart_write : NULL,

and call this function every time the result of nbd_can_read() changes. Then you can switch to aio_set_fd_handler easily.


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