On 16/09/2015 13:27, Claudio Fontana wrote:
>> > See my answer to Paolo:
>> > http://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/qemu-devel/2015-07/msg05341.html
> Sorry for not noticing the previous discussion..
> Still it would seem more sensible to say explicitly how big the field is I 
> think,
> especially if we want to make it possible to have independent server 
> implementations of this...

There was another question that went unanswered:

> Does anyone care about ivshmem on 32-bit hosts?

And I might even double down with "does anyone care about ivshmem on
big-endian hosts?"

Just defining the protocol to be "64-bit little-endian" would be nice,
even if it would break those 2 people that respectively used ivshmem on
32-bit Intel and big-endian PPC.  (And maybe also the one guy who used
it on 32-bit big-endian PPC!).


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