On Saturday, September 26, 2015 01:06:57 AM Namsun Ch'o wrote:
> > I've suggested this in the past but to my knowledge no has done any work
> > in this direction, including myself. Despite the lack of progress, I still
> > think this is a very worthwhile idea.
> Which is exactly why I think a configuration file would be the best option
> instead of --enable-syscalls=foo,bar,baz. It would allow someone to easily
> customize their policy without needing to create a patch, or wait on QEMU
> developers to do work on it.

To be clear, I'm not suggesting "--enable-syscalls=foo,bar,...", what I'm 
suggesting is a decomposition of the current filter list into blocks of 
syscalls that are needed to enable specific functionality.  For example, if 
you enable audio support at runtime a set of syscalls will be added to the 
filter whitelist, if you enable a network device a different set of syscalls 
will be added to the filter, and so on.

I think having an admin specified filter, either via a command line or 
configuration file, is a step in the wrong direction.

paul moore
security @ redhat

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