
for 2.13 (or whatever it will be called), I'd like to switch to a
submaintainer model for s390x, where maintainers for a certain s390x
area (including myself) send me pull requests that I integrate into
s390-next resp. s390-fixes, for which I send a pull request to merge
into master.

The problem here is that I don't want these sub pull requests to be
picked up by Peter's scripts, generating confusion. So far, my ideas
have been:

- Post s390 pull requests only to qemu-s3...@nongnu.org. This sucks, as
  it makes part of the process intransparent to any QEMU developer not
  subscribed to that mailing list.
- Put a certain marker into the subject, like "PULL *s390x*" or so. I'm
  not sure how robust that is.
- Ditch the pull request idea, keep applying patches. This is not quite
  as bad as it sounds, as I have the infrastructure to apply patches
  anyway, but it hides the real workflow (and simply pulling is likely
  less work for me in the long run.)

Thoughts? Ideas?

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