On Tue, Jan 28, 2020 at 7:00 PM Peter Maydell <peter.mayd...@linaro.org>

> On Tue, 28 Jan 2020 at 17:51, Aleksandar Markovic
> <aleksandar.m.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > I am personally interested in both. However, learning about syscalls and
> implementation of support for them in QEMU would require more ramp-up time
> from student (as is the case for any new employee in a similar situation
> for that matter). In the worst case, the student would spend much more time
> on learning than on productive work. My impression is at it is better to
> leave the student focused on just one area - ioctl support.
> I think they're about the same, really. The level of difficulty is more
> in what the syscall or ioctl does and what its arguments are (ie does
> QEMU have to do much mangling on the way past) rather than whether
> it happens to be a syscall or an ioctl. Some syscalls are hard, but
> some are trivial; same with ioctls.
> thanks
> -- PMM

How about this:

- I removed the first item (a) of PART I (since I already have an idea how
to do this in, I think, a very good way), to free the student time. I will
send my solution to the list before this summer, I hope.
- I amended all parts to include some syscall-related activities - and the
end result is this:

*Extend support for ioctls and syscalls in QEMU linux-user mode*



There are currently 2500+ ioctls defined in Linux kernel. QEMU linux-user
currently supports only several hundred. There is a constant need for
expanding ioctl support in QEMU. Users use Linux-user mode in variety of
setups (for example, building and testing tools and applications under
chroot environment), and, on a regular basis, efforts by multiple people
are made to fill in missing support.

Regarding syscall support in QEMU linux-user, the coverage is much better
than in case of ioctls. However, kernel syscall interface continuously
develops and grows, and QEMU linux-user support usually lags considerably.
The support for new syscalls is usually left unimplemented, until an end
user reports that it is missing in hers/his usage scenario.

In conclusion, the efforts for supporting ioctls and syscalls in QEMU have
usually been done on a piece-by-piece basis, in a limited way covering a
particular need. This project will take more proactive stance, and try to
improve QEMU before users start complaining.

This contributions of this project will be mostly to QEMU, but some parts
would be also contirbutions to LTP (Linux Test Project).


   a) Add strace support for printing the third argument of ioctl() (be it
int, string, structure or array) - limited to selected ioctls that are
frequently used.
   b) Add strace support for printing the arguments of selected syscalls
that are frequently used, and not covered in QEMU strace module so far.


   a) Amend support for existing groups of ioctls that are not completed
100% (let's say, filesystem ioctls)
   b) Add support for a selected group of ioctls that are not currently
supported (for example, DM ioctls, Bluetooth ioctls, or Radeon DRM ioctls)
   c) Add support for a selected group of syscalls that were recently
introduced in kernel.


  a) Within LTP (Linux Test Project), develop unit tests for selected
ioctls that are supported in QEMU (including some whose support is
developed in PART II).
  b) Within LTP (Linux Test Project), develop unit tests for selected
syscalls that are supported in QEMU (including some whose support is
developed in PART II).


The deliverables are in the form of source code for each part, intended to
be upstreamed to either QEMU or LTP open source projects. The time needed
for upstreaming (addressing reviews, etc.) process is included into this
project. The delivery of results can and should be distributed over larger
period of time (2-3 months).

Mentor: open (I propose Laurent Vivier)
Student: open

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