14:34 Čet, 23.01.2020. Aleksandar Markovic <aleksandar.m.m...@gmail.com> је
> Extend support for ioctls in QEMU linux-user mode
> There is currently 2500+ ioctls defined in Linux kernel. QEMU linux-user
currently supports only several hundred. There is a constant need for
expanding ioctl support in QEMU. Users use Linux-user mode in variety of
setups (for example, building and testing tools and applications under
chroot environment), and, on a regular basis, efforts by multiple people
are made to fill in missing support. However, these efforts have been
usually done on a piece-by-piece basis, i a limited way covering a
partucular need. This project will take more proactive stance, and try to
improve QEMU before users start complaining.
>    a) Add strace support for outputing ioctl IDs (the second argument of
ioctl()) as strings rather than numbers - for all platform independant
>    b) Add strace support for printing the third argument of ioctl() (be
it int, string, structure or array) - limited to selected ioctls that are
frequently used.
>    a) Amend support for existing groups of ioctls that are not completed
100% (let's say, filesystem ioctls)
>    b) Add support for a selected group of ioctls that are not currently
supported (for example, dm ioctls, Bluetooth ioctls, or Radeon DRM ioctls)
>   a) Develop unit tests for selected ioctls that are already supported in
> The deliverables are in the form of source code for each part, intended
to be upstreamed, and time needed for upstreaming (addressing reviews,
etc.) process is included int this project.
> The delivery of results can and should be distributed over larger period
of time 2-3 months.
> Montor: open (I propose Laurent Vivier)
> Student: open

Hello, Peter, Laurent, Stefan.

I presented in this thread two variants of a potential linux-user-related
project for GSoC/Outreachy. The first variant is more focused on a
particular area (ioctl support), while the second one covers wider set of
current issues within linux-user. The pros and cons of both should be
carefully assesed. I will leave to Peter and Laurent the final judgement if
we want to go or not with this project and also the final formulation of
the project.

Stefan, there was an idea in this thread that this project contributes
(apart to QEMU) to another ooen source project (LTP). In my layman view,
this is an advantage. But, how does that fit into GSoC/Outreachy rules?

Laurent, all this seems to be dependant on whether you are ready to mentor
the project. Are you?

The deadline for submitting GSoC/Outreachy projects (within QEMU) is just
around the corner (Feb 1). I leave to Laurent or Peter (should they give
"go" to this proposal) to officially submit the project on our wiki page
created for that purpose, in the form they deem the best.

Thanks to everyone for expressing the interest in this topic, and
especially coming up with additional ideas!

Truly yours,

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