Am 30.07.2020 um 17:11 hat Eric Blake geschrieben:
> > The QAPI schema language has two layers:
> > 
> > * JSON, with a lexical and a syntactical sub-layer (both in
> > 
> > * QAPI, with a context-free and a context-dependend sub-layer (in
> > and, respectively)
> > 
> > Replacing the JSON layer is possible as long as the replacement is
> > sufficiently expressive (not a tall order).
> I'm open to the idea, if we want to attempt it, and agree with the
> assessment that it is not a tall order.

I'm not so sure about that. I mean, it certainly sounds doable if need
be, but getting better syntax highlighting by default in some editors
feels like a pretty weak reason to switch out the complete schema

At first I was going to say "but if you don't have anything else to do
with your time...", but it's actually not only your time, but the time
of everyone who has development branches or downstream repositories and
will suffer rather nasty merge conflicts. So this will likely end up
having a non-negligible cost.

So is there more to it or are we really considering doing this just
because editors can tell more easily what to do with a different syntax?


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