On Thu, 14 Jan 2021 at 00:04, Andrew Jones <drjo...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 13, 2021 at 10:30:47AM +0300, Maxim Uvarov wrote:
> > - the same size for secure and non secure gpio. Arm doc says that
> > secure memory is also split on 4k pages. So one page here has to be
> > ok.
> To be clear, does that means 4k pages must be used? I'm not concerned
> with the size, but the alignment. If it's possible to use larger page
> sizes with secure memory, then we need to align to the maximum page
> size that may be used.

I think we should just align on 64K, to be more future-proof.
Even if secure software today uses 4K pages, it doesn't hurt
to align the device such that some hypothetical future 64K
page using secure software can use it.

-- PMM

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