Hello Jerome,

On 3/28/22 14:10, Jerome Forissier wrote:
Hi Cédric,

On 3/18/22 14:28, Cédric Le Goater wrote:
The initial eMMC support from Vincent Palatin was largely reworked to
match the current SD framework. The parameters mimick a real 4GB eMMC,
but it can be set to various sizes.

This adds a new QOM object class for EMMC devices.

That is interesting.

This series is really a pre-pre-alpha-0. It's a mixed of changes from
Joel and I on top of Vincent Palatin patches sent ~10 years ago. I
reworked them recently to take into account a proposal of Philippe to
improve the sd models and possibly add eMMC support. They are good
enough to boot a rainier-bmc board.

Is RPMB emulation implemented? I doesn't look like so, although...

no. it's not.

+    sd->ext_csd[EXT_CSD_RPMB_MULT] = 0x1; /* RPMB size */

...this indicates that the device has one block (128 KB) of RPMB if I'm
not mistaken.

I would be quite interested in testing and possibly helping out
implement RPMB, although I must admit don't know much about QEMU
internals. I have written some quick & dirty emulation code for RPMB at
the Linux ioctl() level, see [1]. This code is useful for CI testing of
the OP-TEE OS project [2], but having a lower level emulation in QEMU
would be much better since the Linux kernel would "see" the device and
report it in sysfs etc.

[2] https://github.com/OP-TEE/optee_os/

You can give these patches a try using this branch:


Using the above QEMU, I would run a rainier-bmc machine which requires eMMC
support :

  qemu-system-arm -M rainier-bmc \
        -nic user,mac=C0:FF:EE:00:00:02,hostfwd=::2222-:22 \
        -drive file=/path/to/mmc-p10bmc.qcow2,format=qcow2,if=sd,id=sd0,index=2 
        -nographic -nodefaults -snapshot -serial mon:stdio
The bootable qcow2 image :


was created from :


Booting from the eMMC is a topic by itself but instead of booting
from the eMMC, I would use a custom kernel and userspace.

Compile an AST2600 kernel or grab :


Compile a buildroot image or grab :

and run :

  qemu-system-arm -M rainier-bmc \
        -kernel /path/to/linux/build_ast2600/arch/arm/boot/zImage \
        -initrd /path/to/rootfs.cpio.xz \
/path/to/linux/build_ast2600/arch/arm/boot/dts/aspeed-bmc-ibm-rainier.dtb \
        -append 'console=ttyS4,115200n8 root=/dev/ram ro' \
        -nic user,mac=C0:FF:EE:00:00:02,hostfwd=::2222-:22 \
        -drive file=/path/to/mmc-p10bmc.qcow2,format=qcow2,if=sd,id=sd0,index=2 
        -nographic -nodefaults -serial mon:stdio
root/0penBmc to login.

From there, modify the kernel and the buildroot image, you can scp
some binary, do your testing and possibly send patches to improve QEMU
support !


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