On Tue, 24 Jan 2023, Howard Spoelstra wrote:
From a Mac OS guest perspective, via=cuda is needed for Mac OS 9.0.4 due to
the 2 usb devices (mouse/kbd) issue. And for 10.0/10.1 (my guess would be
that these suffer the same usb issue)
The real powermac3,1 AGP has no adb.

And do these OSes run on real PowerMac3,1? If so then we likely have a bug in USB emulation so maybe that could be fixed? In any case my patch does not change mac99 and this should continue to work.

via=cuda supports Mac OS 9.0.4 up to OS X 10.4. via=pmu is strictly only
needed for Mac OS X 10.5 guest (for which the speed reported was hacked to
900Mhz to fool the installer), but should support all Mac OS/OS X that are
now supported.

Since via=pmu is what should be a real machine does it run OS X >=10.2 already?

via=pmu-adb seems only needed to trick mac os server installations that
would later run on the g3beige.

To my knowledge 32 bit Linux guests all require via=pmu
See here: https://wiki.qemu.org/Documentation/Platforms/PowerPC

That doc might need some updating. It seems to be from before pegasos2 was added. Maybe we would be better off linking from this page to others that are more actively maintained such as: https://www.emaculation.com/doku.php/qemu and http://zero.eik.bme.hu/~balaton/qemu/amiga/

or even better updating the main docs in


or somehow link these sources together.


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