On Mon, 28 Jun 2021 at 13:40, abhijeet inamdar
<abhijeetinamdar3...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I didn't do any changes in the QEMU source code but added new for the .c and 
> .h files for the custom machine.

That *is* changing the QEMU source code :-) Sorry, I'd missed you
were adding your own custom machine.

You'll find that QEMU's internal APIs change a lot from version
to version, so you'll need to update the code you've written
for your machine to follow those API changes. The best thing here
is to look at how the code for other machines has been changed
between versions (especially if there is one particular other
machine that you used as a template when writing your own).

For the errors relating to serial_hds you will need to make
changes similar to those in commit 9bca0edb282de0007. I can't
say about the MachineState error without more detail.

-- PMM

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